North Fork Wolf Creek Rd, prior to dispersed shooting locations.

Simple and easy to do, yet effective and too the point.  Communication one-on-one with recreational target shooters helps build a spirit of unification toward the critical goal of promoting responsible shooting on public lands.

On Sunday, May 31st, two Trash No Land members set up the Target Shooter Info Center booth and handed out information to over 60 people in 30+ vehicles.  We handed out Oregon State Rules for Target Shooting, our Trash No Land “Target Shooting on Public Land” brochure, trash bags, home printed paper targets, ear plugs and offered up a nice hot cup of coffee.

Info Center with show-n-tell examples of legal targets.

We set up next to the road so people could stay in their vehicle while we handed out the packets, spoke a few brief words and wished them a safe day packed with lots of fun.  Some did, however, prefer to park and come visit.

Part of the information and show-n-tell, was to promote fire prevention safety when target shooting.  It’s best that people start thinking fire prevention before the fire season.

Min requirement in Fire Season is 1 shovel & 1 gallon water or 1 1/2lb extinguisher.

It was a good way to invest half a day to help further the cause for responsible shooting.

Rules, Info, Trash Bags, Targets and Ear Plugs handed out.
Oregon State rules are not easy to find on the internet.  So we copied/pasted to 1 sheet.

And the coffee was always hot!

We would like to see this happen in forests throughout the Northwest.  Contact us to help you start one in your favorite forest!

Bill Cogley
Trash No Land