Shooting lanes on public land
(Scroll down to see updates and improvements)
Improved target shooting lanes in the Forest? Yes! And more to come!
Target shooting areas are changing in Tillamook State Forest, about 35 miles West of Beaverton, Oregon. The Oregon Department of Forestry has approved plans that allow Tillamook State Forest to proceed with these improvements.
(75 yard lane in progress 6-24-16)
Upgrades at popular target shooting areas will offer shooters a safe place to recreate with distances from short pistol distances to 80 yard rifle lanes. What a joy it will be to not have all those brushes and weeds to tromp through while trying to set up targets! And how easy it will be to clean up your own trash when you’re done! Park your vehicle right in front of an established shooting line. Lots of benefits for the recreational target shooter!
Rebuild N. Fork Wolf Creek Shooting Lanes!
Support the Shooting Sports on Public Lands
But why is the Oregon Department of Forestry being so nice to us?
Fire safety. The objective is to drastically reduce fire hazards and risks due to target shooting in the area. These areas have sustained two fires in 2015. Additional fires, over the last two or three years, were suspected of being caused as a result of target shooting. Secondly, trash control with easy cleanup efforts and thirdly, safety in recreational target shooting.
The Trash No Land staff has been actively involved in the planning and developement stages of this project. We have contributed with numerous meetings, site visits, design suggestions and perspectives from a target shooters point of view. This is the result of our efforts.
Current Situation (2015)
Target shooting has been a long standing activity on the Tillamook State Forest that has been steadily growing in-terms of use levels and the number of target shooting locations. It is taking place across the forest and in areas and in ways that create:
- Unsafe situations for visitors to the Tillamook State Forest and for ODF employees and contractors working on the forest.
- Conflict with other visitors to the forest.
- Environmental impacts.
- Sanitation
- Increased fire potential and increased fire starts
- Additional costs to the agency
Policies and management strategies have not kept pace with the intensity, scope and scale of the target shooting activity.
Conceptual End in Mind (for 2016 and beyond)
Recreational target shooting has a long history on the Tillamook State Forest and is a supported use that integrates well with the other activities on the forest and has:
- Low safety, sanitation, and environmental issues
- Low fire hazard risks and costs
- Partners and partnerships that support the activity
- Safe and sustainable opportunities for recreational target shooting on the TSF.
This project proposes to develop a strategy, in collaboration with our partners and the target shooting community that will:
- Resolve the safety, sanitation, and environmental issues
- Reduce the fire potential associated with target shooting
- Develop public ownership and involvement in the development and implementation of the strategy.
- Maintain safe and sustainable opportunities for recreational target shooting on the TSF
70 yard lane
Impact area
Back view
Pistol Berm
More to come as the project nears completion soon.
Update 7-22-16 PM
Four lanes finished! Open for shooting!
Google Maps:
GPS: 45.783021, -123.365054
Lane 1: Handgun (Shoot from the Jersey barrier)
Lane 2: Handgun
Lane 3: Long gun 55 yds plus hand gun berm
Lane 4: Long gun 72 yds plus hand gun berm
Now that’s the way to shoot on public land!
Let’s keep it nice!
Update 11-10-18
Lanes 2 & 3 Receive Upgrades!!!
Rebuild N. Fork Wolf Creek Shooting Lanes!